Дом Интерференционная серия

TC231 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

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TC231 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

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Model Color Particle size Mica TiO2 SnO2
TC2001 Gold satin 5-25μm  √
TC2011 Red satin 5-25μm
TC223 Purple satin 5-25μm  √
TC231 Green satin 5-25μm
TC249 Flash gold 10-100μm
TC289 Flash blue 10-100μm
TC205 Gold pearl 10-60μm
TC215 Red pearl 10-60μm  √
TC217 Orange Pearl 10-60μm
TC219 Purple silver 10-60μm
TC225 Blue pearl 10-60μm
TC235 Green pearl 10-60μm

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Перламутровый пигмент серии Interference, жемчужный порошок

Точно контролируя толщину покрытия из диоксида титана, интерференционная серия позволяет получить золотой, красный, фиолетовый, синий, зеленый и другие радужные интерференционно-изменяющиеся цвета, которые придают блеск. Цвет продуктов этой серии полностью обусловлен интерференцией физического света. Разность оптических путей между отраженным светом диоксида титана с высоким показателем преломления и отраженным светом слюды с низким показателем преломления интерферирует с разными цветами.

TC2001 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC2011 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC223 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC231 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC249 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC289 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC205 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC215 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC217 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC219 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC225 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC235 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.


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